
英语, Languages, 和 Interdisciplinary Studies



  • 英语
  • 英语 with Secondary Education in 英语 Language Arts


  • 创意写作
  • 英语
  • 妇女研究

教育家准备: 英语 with Secondary Education in 英语 Language Arts

在进行职前培训研究:  英语 is an excellent major for entry into graduate study or into professional study in nearly any field. Huntingdon 英语 graduates achieve a strong comm和 of 写作 和 critical thinking skills—an advantage when seeking admission to graduate or professional programs or employment after graduation.

Course requirements 和 descriptions can be found in the 十大菠菜靠谱平台十大菠菜靠谱老平台.




2018年埃里森讲师,诗人弗兰克X. 沃克

如果你喜欢阅读, 写作, 看电影, 和 learning more about the power 和 beauty of language, 英语专业很适合你. Combine the major with another major or with secondary Teacher Education coursework to prepare to teach in Grades 6–12.

十大菠菜靠谱平台英语专业, personal interaction with published authors, 才华横溢的教师, 和 numerous ways to live out the major hone your skills, 发挥你的才能, 和 prepare you for the career path you choose upon graduation. 英语是一门优秀的, broad-based major that prepares you well to enter virtually any career field.

At Huntingdon, you’ll enjoy these advantages:

  • Abundant 实习 in Montgomery, Alabama’s capital city.
  • 埃里森作家节, bringing nationally- 和 internationally-established writers to read from their work, 与学生见面, 讲座, 和 present workshops for Huntingdon writers.
  • The College’s Stallworth Lecture Series 和 other programs, bringing renowned speakers 和 writers to campus.
  • 霍布斯荣誉课程.
  • The Senior Capstone Project, an in-depth study in your topic of choice during your senior year.



参加俱乐部活动, 组织, 实习, 大学的出版物, 演讲, 临床经验, 和 active discussion of the written word at Huntingdon, 包括:

  • Writing 和 editing for The Prelude, Huntingdon’s literary magazine.
  • Reading for 和 discussing works in combined departmental 和 library Salons.
  • Membership in Sigma Tau Delta honor society.
  • Participation in readings 和 films through the Huntingdon Women’s Center 和 Huntingdon film courses.
  • Tutoring for the 车站学术充实中心.
  • Building your resume by interning or working with a Huntingdon office or off-campus in a business, 组织, or publishing firm; or teaching in an area middle or high school as a Teacher C和idate.




Huntingdon’s 英语 major develops a broad range of skills that qualify graduates to enter almost any career field. 普利策提名诗人, 技术作家, 小说家和儿童书籍作家, 创造性的非小说作家, 律师, 出版商, 记者, 教育工作者, 言语病理学家, 图书馆员, 和 museum administrators are among the vast array of fields in which Huntingdon alumni have achieved professional success.
